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    1. Day of july 9th, 2011

      by , 08-03-2011 at 04:41 AM
      I'm at what seems to be a carnival or a theme park with these 2 girls, one of which is blonde and the other my friend A, and my friend H. Some graphic moments (and details I will not write down) later I wake up... that was weird
    2. Hotel & dangerous rollercoaster

      by , 07-14-2011 at 03:35 PM
      First entry. :D A few short dreams from last night...

      - I was in a hotel room with two girls, I don't remember what they looked like. They left and then my mom came in for some reason, but left shortly after. I wanted to be alone, so I went into the bathroom, but there were no real walls and the door was mostly see-through. Then a little girl came into the room, followed by a group of maybe 7 or 8 people, including my grandmother. They seemed to think the room was unoccupied and that someone was going to clean it and then they would stay there, and some were wiping dirt off their shoes onto the carpet. I came out and asked them to leave, and they did.

      - I was at an amusement park with an old friend of mine, K. I was saying, "Let's go on all the rollercoasters and fun stuff" and she agreed. So we got on this rollercoaster, and after it started, I realized there were no seatbelts, but didn't say anything. The ride was fun, but as we got to parts where it went upside down and looped around, I had to hang on really tightly and nearly fell off. I mentioned this to my friend after, she was just like "yeah".

      - I have a vague recollection of something about a movie, too, possibly in a fancy theatre. I don't remember what happened, though.

      Updated 07-16-2011 at 05:55 PM by 13525

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    3. Fragment (April 29, 2011)

      by , 04-29-2011 at 06:43 PM (Chronicles of Ethos)
      General text non-lucid dream awake lucid dream

      I don't really have much to say on the dream/dreams of the night. I remember waking up in the middle of the night, but I barely had any memory of my dream at that point. I didn't write anything in my journal at that point because I was so tired and I had so little information. I had another dream between that moment and the time my alarm went off. My recall of this one was also horrible, so I'm not even sure what fragment belongs to which dream.

      One fragment I can remember is standing in line to an amusement park. I was with my grandpa and I pointed to a wooden roller coaster that was built around a small mountain. I yelled, "OMG!!! That's my favorite ride!" Although I don't remember anything after that, the roller coaster probably woke me up.

      This fragment was even worse. All I remember is being in some place that was a cross between a jungle and a swamp. I remember being in a Jeep with some other guy who had a funny mustache. I also keep getting a vision of a giant steel robot in the jungle.

      I guess I need to work on dream recall a little more.

      Updated 04-30-2011 at 03:11 AM by 32005

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. Stalked in Dreamland

      by , 03-13-2011 at 06:52 PM
      The beginning of this dream is only a vague impression of being with a group of lighthearted people.

      I was inside a two story house with a carpeted spiral stairway. I saw this one shady looking guy creep down stairs to what I knew was my bedroom. I heard a laugh track (like a sitcom). Suddenly, I felt worried he was about to steal my wallet. So I quickly headed downstairs. My room was undisturbed, I walked over to my nightstand and grabbed my wallet and keys.

      I turned to walk away. I noticed myself in a full length mirror mounted on the wall. I was wearing an outfit I didn't recognize. I had on a blue-gray shirt turned upside down. The fit was comfortable but in the reflection, my arms were out of the bottom end of the shirt. The short sleeves and collar were wrapped around my waist, unstressed and comfortable looking. I became embarrassed and took off my shirt, and put it back on the right way.

      I exited the house out the front door and crossed over a white wooden porch. It was broad daylight. Before me was a rather large amusement park looking expanse. It had walls with outcroppings and lots and building scattered between wide open grassy areas, and walled sections. (The layout is hazy - and changing.) I walked around the area and I recall interacting with a few people (this was hazy).

      I made my way over to a lively baseball diamond. A serious league style game was underway. (Not a huge fan of baseball but I watch now and then.) I decided to see how the game was going. A pitch was just then thrown and hit foul at my feet. I ignored it while the first basemen picked it up. A second pitch was hit foul at my feet, this time I picked it up and tossed it to the third basemen (for some reason), upsetting everyone and knocking him down flat and motionless.

      I zoomed over to check on him and this cartoon-like man zoomed over at the same time, beating me to the unconscious player. He jumped on top of him in a flash, and sparkles of yellow energy emitted into the air, video game style. This startled me. Something about this fast moving prankster was alarming. I sped off the field to do something different. When I was several field lengths away, the wild DC yelled out: "Catch this!"

      I spun around in time to see him launch the baseball at me in an arch from a great distance. As it came, it grew to the size of a football. I dodged. It crashed into a person standing nearby - utterly mowing them down with rotating white cutters. It was a pretty nasty looking way to die. I wanted to leave this chaotic character alone. I exerted great speed to loose him. (Something that works 99% of my dreams lately.) He gave chase and had no problem keeping up.

      (The visuals/recall get vivid at this point.) I weaved through a magical looking hallway with multiple portals in it. One had a golden force field that I easily slipped through. I thought I lost him for sure, turned around, and there he was emerging from a similar circular portal. Huge grin, about 15-ft away. I decided to walk away at this point. Running super fast zig-zags wasn't helping. I started to feel trapped.

      I asked him to show me the way out of this land. Now the DC looked a lot like the Madhatter. He gloated at my surrender and announced illustriously something close to the effect of:

      "I will gladly show the way out! But first, there is something else I would much rather show you."

      After the deadly baseball incident, I wasn't feeling curious. I said "No." Turned and kept walking slowly down a bizarre fun house like hallway. He said:

      "All right, all right. Right this way then." He turned off the main hall and opened white double doors to a suspiciously dark area...

      I said, "This isn't really the way out is it?" He looked at me sly and said, "You are right, but I really must show you one last thing before you go!"

      I said "No!" and hurriedly walked straight some more.
      -Then I woke up
    5. Dec 20

      by , 12-20-2010 at 03:27 PM (Doctor's Dreams)
      Tried Flying Again

      I stopped writing in my DJ because senior year is getting busy but since it is Xmas break I decided to get the ole attempts for dreaming again. I didn't want to post in the online journal until I could get a lucid dream but I had worked on dream recall for about a month and I started looking for dream signs in real life to so it was only a matter of time.

      The dream before becoming lucid as always is a little blurry and short. I remember I was driving somewhere from this park. At the park when I got into my car, which was on a weird grassy tiered parking lot structure, I noted that the dick next to me had scratched my car while opening his door. I had checked my car because he was parked so close next to mine. His was a black sleek luxury sedan and mine was my trusty ford escape, not a bad car by the way. So while opening my door I "accidentally" left a long ding in his while I saw him walking up to me. He was a preppy looking dick with a lettuce hair cut. I quickly got into my car and started to drive away. One of the things looking back that I may have noticed was that my gas gauge was different. It was a small neon green array of dots at the bottom of the dash. I still had the red pointer thing that rotated on an axis but the dots were in a line unlike usual meters in modern cars. Also I was way out of gas and I knew that my mom had just filled up my tank last night so this was suspicious. But I noticed that the longer that I drove, the more the tank filled up. Also strange. So I finally got to my destination which was a strange strip mall and amusement park combined. It seemed to be mostly made out of this pale orange-y stone that seemed Mediterranean themed but the architecture that it was built in was sort of Mayan, but with less decor. I was driving my car to park in an underground parking lot but while I was driving a lady told me that there would be no parking spots here. I ignored her and kept driving on. There was a festival going on while I was driving and people were all in the middle of the streets dancing and walking around doing stuff. There was this one guy/girl dressed up as a japanese demon and kept taunting me as I was driving and wherever I would turn to drive they would run in front of me. Finally I slammed on the gas and almost ran it over and then no one got in my way. I finally made it to the parking structure, which I found doubled as a water ride, and parked my car in a neighborhood street adjoining. I went into the line that was the ride and then this middle aged lady who was with another middle aged lady and two old white haired ones convinced me that there was probably not enough time to do the ride (subconscious trying to tell me something with the repeated warnings?) so I decided to leave. There was an easy exit set of stairs right next to me so I went up there but then I accidentally (actually this time) bumped my shoulder into one of the older ladies. It was on accident so it was soft. The lady yelled "what's your problem!" I didn't know what she was talking about so I said, "Hey, I'm leaving ain't I?" Then the first middle aged lady yelled that I bumped her in the face. I apologized and stomped away pissed. I then saw a pair of brothers that I recognized (don't remember who they were now) and they were doing parkour. As a practitioner I always want to join in if such things happen so I stripped down to my under wear because the clothes I was wearing were far to troublesome to move efficiently in. They were trying a under bar through a long car and I wanted to try but we got kicked off the premises.

      Somewhere in between here and going to their house that strongly resembled my house, I became lucid. I can never remember why I become lucid but that's never the important part. So we were in their house and in what would be my moms room. They were jumping on the bed and I was lucid. At first I was just participating like I was in a normal dream, then as they were jumping I tried ripping the bed apart with telekenetics. Didn't work but then again I rarely ever had good dream control. In fact I pretty much never did but I was usually able to do something. I really wanted to do something, anything, because it was my first time being lucid in a while! I told them I had to do something so I started to walk out side. It was exactly like my house so I knew the floor plan. As I was walking through the kitchen into the garage I remember thinking how Lucid dreams are always much more detailed than a regular dream. I've made this observation before but like I said, its been a while. I go into the back yard and start jumping and jumping, trying to fly. I notice that I'm jumping higher than in real life so this keeps me believing that i'm still in a dream. I was able to jump as high as the roof but I was never able to fly. After many depressing attempts, I awake...

      I'm going to look up some things on dream control. I really want to get back in the swing of things.
    6. 19 Oct: Quake, volcano and dangerous clouds

      by , 10-27-2010 at 10:32 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      23:30 GMT+9 – sleep

      Again an earthquake. There are two smaller warning quakes. Cracks appear on the roads. I am inside a car which is being driven by some unknown guy. He speeds up, maybe trying to reach a safer place but we just get stuck in traffic.

      02:30 GMT+9

      I’m with my mom at her home when a volcano erupts just behind the house. We hardly have time to escape and then I get this light feeling that I am dreaming. I lift off and the whole scenario goes from scary to looking like an amusement park. The volcano is part of it and I fly with my mom over the lava flow. Then in the park there’s a kind of sci-fi London scenario and other weird stuff I can’t recall.

      My mom holds some test results and the report says I need a massive surgery to live. I have some kind of crystals on some nasty wound in my bladder and the surgery either might kill me or leave me incapacitated for the rest of my life. I really don’t wanna do it so I refuse to accept the diagnosis. I’m convinced I can undo it if I simply reject that reality.

      Chemically-filled clouds
      At my friend Alfredo’s property and strange clouds are hovering us. My boyfriend ask me if I agree that they look totally unnatural. I then remember my friend had said he suspected someone was sabotaging his crops and maybe this was the way to do it. The clouds become really low and look like an algae bloom in the sky. I try to spread them away by blowing some wind to them but they collapse and on the ground falls a thin plastic-like film with a name of a company and a list of nasty chemicals and even Anthrax printed on it. Although I find it is very dangerous to touch it, I fold it and keep it as proof that someone is seeding poisonous and deadly clouds over his farm.
      Then a gipsy lady comes out of nowhere begging. I say I really don’t have anything to offer her right now but she claims we have land and we are rich and surely can offer something. I feel surprised with her attitude and say the land is not ours and she is assuming a lot. She says that’s not what she heard around and I get really upset and send her away.

      05:40 GMT+9 – wake up
    7. 0/3 Fri: Plain Notes

      by , 10-24-2010 at 08:41 AM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      0820: Amusement part. Christmas for Hugh's younger brothers. Video game theme. I am announcer of the ride as they go down.

      1115: Tom Cruise ... in ... Suggest it is a ...

      1400: In math class. Learning about Heydinger Bollinger fields. French teacher watches. I feel like I am not following.
    8. 1/5 Fri: Birthdays, Malls and Hell

      by , 09-26-2010 at 07:45 AM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Experimenting with some dream titles to break up the wall of text a bit.

      0230: F. Two sentences of illegible notes.

      Birthday Girl, Bro Code
      0337: C. Even in a dream, I obey the bro code. I'm at a girl's birthday party. I came with Lance. It's indoors at a house. There are about a dozen people there. It's dark outside and mostly dark inside. Lance and I pull the birthday girl aside to give her the gifts, so the three of us are alone in a dark room. Lance forgot to bring a gift, but luckily I brought two. I say they are from both of us.

      The birthday girl has short black hair. She's tall and pretty. She's wearing a dress. She opens the presents. One is wrapped in purple, the other in yellow. Yellow is her favorite color? I don't remember what the gifts are but she really likes them and is very happy. She starts making out with both of us.
      (Not the arrangement I had planned for my first threesome, but whatever) As things get heated, it's clear the girl is more interested in me. She pulls off my pants and ignores Lance. Lance gets up and paces around the room upset. He keeps saying "That's not cool." I stop her and get up. She wants me to come back. I leave with Lance.

      Hell Is An Amusement Park Line
      0510: C. I need to raise half a million dollars, fast. Maybe I'm in debt to a loan shark.

      Scene change. I'm in purgatory. I guess I'm dead. I'm waiting in line to be judged to go to heaven or hell. The focus changes to someone else, like I'm watching the movie of some else's life. The main character is a man who died while trying to solve a crime. He's destined to go to heaven, but he chooses the go to hell instead. He hopes he can find more information in hell to solve the crime. I think that's heroic. His partner tries to stop him and says he's crazy. Our hero says he's from San Francisco. Somehow that makes sense to the partner and lets him go.

      Scene change. Now it's hell. People come sliding down a big ramp into a large red cavern crowded with people. It's lit by flames and it's fairly bright. Our hero comes sliding down. The focus switches back to me in first-person. I'm already in hell when the hero arrives. In hell, everyone is standing in tight groups in little pens formed by metal railings. It's just like waiting in line for an amusement park ride. I'm standing near some elementary school classmates and they are talking on and on about boring stuff. I think, this IS torture. I think that's funny.

      I yell to someone who just arrives down the slide. "Hey, I hope you can come up with the money, by the way. Just because I'm dead doesn't mean I don't have bills to pay. But it's not like I can do anything about it from down here."

      Birthday Gifts, Annoying Ice Cream Girl
      0716: C. I'm indoors in an unfamiliar place but I get the impression that it's my own bedroom in a house. Apparently, it's my birthday. I'm unwrapping presents. Most of the presents are children's toys like dolls and figurines. My sister gives me a new Blackberry. I walk across the room to plug it in to charge. Another gift is D&D-like role playing game. Hugh wants to play so I unfold the map across the floor. I remark how big the map is. It's about 6 feet by 3 feet.

      Scene change. I'm in a outdoor mall in a food court. I'm wearing a blue shirt with faded white lettering that says "BIRTHDAY TODDLER." Everyone is gone except Hugh, but he starts walking away leaving me alone. There are other random people in the food court though. A girl from the crowd walks up to me. I'm not attracted to her. She says she want to satisfy some urges and then walks away somewhere, as if to go fetch something that she will bring back to me. I feel awkward. Another girl walks up to me. This one is attractive and I want to talk to her. She wishes me happy birthday. I ask how she knew it was my birthday. She says it's written on my shirt.

      The first girl comes back and hijacks the conversation. The second girl walks away. I'm annoyed about that but I try to be polite. The girl has a variety of ice cream and she starts feeding it to me. She want me to guess the flavors and pick my favorite. I play along to be polite. The first one is dark cherry. The second is strawberry. There are two more that I haven't tasted yet. The next one is green so I'm thinking it will either be mint or pistachio. Dream fades.

      0740: False awakening. I don't RC. I roll over to write in my dream journal about my last dream. I write something but I don't note the time. Then I wake up for real. I RC. I roll over to write in my dream journal. I think, wait! Didn't I just do this? Damn it! I write: "False awakening. I dream of writing in my journal."

      Unstable DEILD
      0811: D. Again, I'm in the food court of an indoor mall but this one is different. I'm with two friends but I don't recall who. We sit at a bench near the actor who played George's father in Seinfeld. But he doesn't say anything. A young blond girl walk up to us nervously. She says "Did you guys know there's a dance coming up?" We say nothing and she walks away.

      Another group of girls comes and sits near us in the same set of benches. One attractive blond looks at me and says "Hi I don't know if you remember me." I don't but I guess just to keep the conversation going: "Did we meet last night?" She says no. "I'm on of the 'Real Players.'" I have no idea what that means. Then she starts talking about a family and farm animals. Scene fades.

      I wake up and DEILD into a lucid. My view is totally distorted. It's like I'm looking at a blurry TV, off center and from an angle. On the TV it looks like Street Fighter and I struggle to recognize one of the characters is Guile. I turn my head to try to center the view. Instead, I enter a rocky tunnel. I'm floating through, like I'm being carried underwater. It's like in medical films when they stick a camera down a person's esophagus. I look at my hands and rub them. The view still sucks. Dream ends. I think, damn, another difficult scene. I guess I need to be more prepared to face anything that comes at me. Or maybe I just need to be patient and let the dream solidify before trying any control.
    9. 1/2 Sun, chain of lucids

      by , 09-13-2010 at 06:02 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Notes: I forced myself to have good bedtime habits and it paid off with a good night's sleep. Snacked on only carbohydrates in the evening and watched some boring nature documentaries. I waited until I was very tired before laying down to sleep.

      0155: Sleep.

      0600: B. I am at home with my sister. I have my cell phone receiving work emails. My phone is acting weird. It shows the emails but everything is plain black and white. There's no color in the UI. I try to close all the running processes. For a moment, my phone is playing video of a football game. I get a "You've been invited" alert. I try to find the email message but the phone is still not working right. My sister wants to reset my phone. She tries to grab it away from me. I tell her I will take out the battery. Also, I'm sitting on the couch with the cat Oreo on the armrest to my right. At one point, she lays on my lap. She is facing me. My sister asks if she came there herself. I say yes. I feel annoyed with my sister. I also feel anticipation like I am expecting someone to call or email from work on my phone.

      0727: A series of lucid dreams that I'm counting as one (cuz I'm so humble). I am laying on a couch, about to go to sleep. I t was like my childhood home. I was having trouble sleeping. A woman in the room starts talking to me. I don't remember about what. She sits on the couch next to me. She is middle-aged, but not bad looking. She turns seductive and straddles me and grabs my crotch. That doesn't happen in real life so... I'm dreaming. I'm not very lucid though. I just go along with what's happening. I think to do an RC but my arms are around her so I'm a bit busy. The excitement makes the dream fade.

      I lay still and re-enter the dream. I am in an amusement park. It's dusk and there are few people. I nose-plug-check, good! I finger-check too which fails, but whatever. Rubbing my hands anchors me and now I'm ready to have some fun. I start flying and practice my skills of turning and looking around. I'm pretty good, except I have trouble climbing. I think about some goals. Hmm. Throw a fireball? Easy! I swing my arm like throwing a baseball sidearm and a fiery red-orange ball flies to the ground and explode a lamp post. I hover over a parking lot full of freight trucks and I blow them up with my fireballs. Then some hover tanks attack back and I blow one up. I fly away and land. Now I'm being chased by dogs. They are black and mean, like pitbulls. I try to make the dogs disappear my waving my hand over them, but no luck. I run into a building. I try to fly and smash through the ceiling, but no luck. The building I'm in is in on a college campus. I think to summon a DC. I walk outside and around a corner, expecting to see Lance. There he is! We go into another building; I open the door expecting to find a party, and there it is! I was expecting someone in particular but don't see them. There is a girl behind the bar or DJ booth with bright red hair. I ask someone where R is. I walk to the bathroom, hoping to find her there. I walk down a few steps and see one person waiting for the bathroom. Two girls are coming out of the bathroom with their arms linked. I grab one and head her back in to the bathroom while the other leaves. It wasn't the girl I was looking for but I'm not unhappy. I back the girl against the wall. She has on a skirt and bikini top. Her body is all oiled up. I remember staring at her belly button. She has short hair. I tell her how pretty she is. I'm about to go farther with her but the dream fades.

      False awakening. I'm back on the couch at my childhood home. It's like we have cousins in town. A man (my uncle?) is sleeping in the other couch near me. My sister is also in the room. I get up and they get upset and argue with me. I try spinning to a new scene, but no luck. I leave out the front door. It's night and the starry sky is beautiful. I start flying. The dream fades.

      Updated 09-22-2010 at 07:24 PM by 35793

      lucid , false awakening , memorable
    10. Sunday, after bloody marys

      by , 09-06-2010 at 06:47 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      0/3 Lucid/Recall

      Notes: Fell asleep drunk on bloody marys.

      Analysis: Very irregular waking times for me, doubtless due to the alcohol. I usually have 90 minute cycles with uncanny accuracy. Poor recall and motivation this night. The dreams seemed rather plain and unimaginative. I observe two obvious influences from the waking day in the dreams.

      2300: Sleep

      0400: D. Something about new Facebook accounts and importing old friends.

      0603: D. Mostly unreadable. Something about smoke alarm going off which woke me up [I cooked pork chops on the stove for dinner]. On waking up, I was disciplined enough to suspect FA and did an RC; I was indeed awake.

      0850: B. I'm with a bunch of people, some from work some from high school. It's a bit like Disneyland. I have a girlfriend. She is white. I don't know who she is. We all play this game where we write personal stuff about us on these pre-made cards. I spend a lot of time in the bathroom. The bathroom is weird. People try to use the sinks as urinals [I drank two glasses of water prior to this sleep cycle]. At the end, the personal secrets are revealed. My girlfriend doesn't know me very well. At some point we're in a creek under a bridge.
    11. Melatonin doesn't help

      by , 09-06-2010 at 04:33 AM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      2 dreams, non-lucid.

      I'm with uncle Efren at a water park.

      I'm in a theme park. I'm in a small group of people. I don't know who. One guy in the group is carring around Magic: The Gathering cards. I might be drunk and people can smell it on me.
    12. 03/15/09

      by , 07-28-2010 at 06:46 PM
      I'm at an amusement park at the Jurassic Park attraction. It's like when you stand in line for a ride in Universal Studios or Islands of Adventure and it's all set up like you're walking through a movie set. I'm working there with about ten other people and we're actors. I'm walking around like I'm hunting dinosaurs and someone says that the people will be coming to get in line soon. So now there are people in line and my part is to act like some killer bug that has been turned over on its back and can't flip back over. I'm thinking Gregor Samsa from Kafka's Metamorphosis. But I don't have a costume. It's like third person now and I can see myself acting like a complete asshole.

      Next thing I know it's a water ride and I'm watching the boats come out of the ride and going down that last drop into the water. At one point, I see a little kid that's under an overhang under where the boats come out. Every time a boat has come out the water rises and I see that where this kid is, the water will go right up over him and he'll drown. So I yell for hem to stop the ride and I can see the people on the boat thinking they're going to go over the edge and then they stop. Some guy runs out and grabs the kid and brings him to the first aid place that's right there. I'm looking over a guard rail on the side of the attraction area and I feel in my mouth like hardening wax. I start spitting this wax stuff over the rail and it's like Halloween wax lips. But it won't stop coming out of my mouth and it's uncomfortable. So I go over to the first aid area and the kid that just got rescued is experiencing the same problem. It's starting to be like an epidemic. Then I wake up. All freaked out.
    13. 6/17/10

      by , 06-17-2010 at 08:55 PM
      I am in an amusement park which I assume is "World's Of Fun", a local amusement park I had recently visited. It is flooded about waist high with water and anyone who tries to speak cannot speak. I am alone, wading through the water with numerous other people I don't recognize. I walk in to what is the "Orient" section of the park and recognize my best friend who is freaking out. We make the motions of speaking to eachother but it is silent. We then walk under a bridge and go on a ride called the "Finnish Fling", which is kind of like a swinging boat.

      The only relative thing I could think of was that it has been raining heavily for the past few days.
    14. The Compund

      by , 07-25-2006 at 10:51 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      I had three short dreams on this night.

      The first dream started off in my driveway with some man I do not know saying something to a blond woman I do not recognize. The woman was upset by what the man said and ran and jumped into the air. She drifted up into the air and when she did so, the environment changed from my neighbourhood to that of some sort of desert compond with lots of steep cliffs and tall watch towers - sort of like an army outpost.

      The woman could only stay in the air for a few moments and she drifted from cliff to tower top as much as she could, as the man that had creeped her out before was down on the ground, making threatening gestures in her direction. He transformed into some sort of half ape, half wolf (and yet, still part human) creature that desperately tried to reach the woman, who continued to drift around in the sky to avoid him.

      Soon the woman became exausted from her efforts and what ever power she had that allowed her to fly started to wear off. She started to panic as the power wore off because she started to get close the the ground and was afraid the man-monster would attack her.

      I woke up at this point but I kept repeating the dream in my head, as I was determined to continue with it when I returned to sleep. The second dream I has was similar in that it took place in some sort of compound but it was more of an amusement park than an army barracks. The creepy monster man was now a bratty, bossy boy, and the woman was now a little girl.

      It was the bratty little boy's birthday and he had a group of other children over to celebrate. The group of children were not too pleased to be around him as he was bossing them around and rubbing in their faces how fabulously rich he was and how he was better than then because of it. Similar to the first dream, the little boy began chasing and harassing a little girl - who desperately tried to ignore him, then to get away, but there was no where that she could get away to, and the parents of the little boy insisted that all of the other little children stay and entertain their bratty son.

      I woke up again and when I feel back asleep, I did dream again, but it was nothing like the first two. I cannot remember anything about it except that there was a man, who looked like Vincent Valentine from the Final Fantasy VII franchise, talking to me about something, but I can no longer remember about what.

      Updated 06-20-2010 at 05:18 PM by 6048

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